Just like me, may be you are delighted with the various styles and textures of Chloe handbags. Since there are different designs, it makes easy to select the best Chloe bag that matches your preference, needs and budget as well. You can go to your local legit retailer or shop online for your desired Chloe handbag, but there are Chloe replica handbags available on the market which makes shopping a bit confusing.
In order to get only the genuine Chloe handbags, you should know how to spot a fake Chloe. Below are some instructions from ehow that can help you spot a faux Chloe:
How to Spot a Fake Chloe Handbag
1. Look at the stitching. A fake Chloe handbag may have loose threads or flaws in the stitching. Real Chloe handbags have a thick nylon thread that's straight and tight. Fake bags often have thinner threads.
2. Look at the handles. A real Chloe bag has an extra piece of leather on the handles. The stitching on the handle should also be a thick nylon thread. The seams on the handles of a fake bag will point towards each other, or towards the center of the bag. On real bags, the seems face outwards.
3. Look at the Chloe logo and lock. If the logo is on top of a keyhole that is upside down, the bag is a fake. A real Chloe bag will have the wide (or mushroom) part of the keyhole facing the logo.
4. Look at the metal on the bag. All the metal objects should be the same color. The key and lock should be a deep brass color. The zipper should be silver. Fake bags have a brighter brass color on the lock and all of the metal might not match.
5. Weigh the bag. A real Chloe Paddington handbag, for instance, weighs more than 3 lbs. pounds. Fake bags are quite often lighter.
6. Look at the zipper. In addition to being silver, some Chloe bags have a mark of YKK. If there's another mark on the bag, it's a fake. Keep in mind some Chloe zippers are not marked at all.
7. Look at the interior lining. Most fakes have a non-corduroy interior.
info from ehow